'How To Train Your Dragon 2' Teaser Trailer Brings Adventure Back In A Beautiful Way (WATCH)

Trailers have become a big part of the film industry. They set the tone for a film and give the audience something to look forward to and a reason to spend their money on the finished product once it comes out. In DreamWorks Animation's new "How to Train Your Dragon 2" teaser trailer the company has accomplished all of these things, on top of making a 2 minute long video that is, to put it simply, beautiful.

***Spoiler Alert*** The rest of this article may contain spoilers from the first "How to Train Your Dragon" film. To see the new teaser trailer, scroll down or you can find it HERE.

The teaser shows the two main characters from the first movie. The lovable screw-up Hiccup skimming the ocean while flying on the back of his equally lovable Night Fury dragon Toothless. The two are back, helping each other out. Hiccup, who lost his leg at the end of the first movie is seen in the trailer with his peg leg. Toothless is still decked out in the saddle Hiccup designed and built so that he could fly, even without his tail fin, from the first film as well. However, all of the equipment, including Hiccup who is seen decked out in armor befitting of a true adventurer, has gotten a nice aesthetic upgrade. All of which culminates in a new feature for the equipment that makes for a truly impressive shot as the two soar through the clouds.

The second chapter in the epic "How to Train Your Dragon" trilogy will bring back the fantastical world of Hiccup and Toothless but set five years after the events of the first, where the two won the favor of the Viking Clan lead by Hiccup's father, and masterfully voiced by Gerard Butler. According to CommingSoon.net, Astrid, Snoutlout and the rest of the gang form the first film will be competing in dragon races, the island's newest and most favorite sport. Meanwhile, the inseparable pair of adventurers journey though the skies together exploring new lands and discovering new places and unmapped territories in order to expand the world.

Things go awry for the duo when they discover a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and a mysterious villain known only as "Dragon Rider." Once again, the two suddenly find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace between humans and dragons.

The release date is set for June 20, 2014 opening in 3D, 2D and Imax 3D. Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Joah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, T.J. Miller and Kristen Wiig will all be returning to voice their characters from the previous film.

Dragons 2 - Bande-annonce teaser [VO HD 1080P]

by Mister3ZE