Harrison Ford Recovering From Broken Ankle, Pelvis

Harrison Ford is making progress from a broken ankle and pelvis, resulting from his private plane crash in Santa Monica last Thursday.

Ford's son, Ben Ford, has taken to social media to relay information about the condition of actor Harrison Ford. As of Saturday, the son said, Ford's health was progressing.

Ford - the star of "Indiana Jones" and "Star Wars" - crash-landed his vintage plane on a golf course in beach-side Southern California, across from Santa Monica Municipal Airport, from which he'd departed.

"Dad has the best care possible, on the mend and of strong mind body & spirit," he put out on Twitter Saturday, as reported in the New York Daily News. "We want (to) thank you all for your concern"

Ford was flying a vintage aircraft, a 1942 Ryan Aeronautical ST3KR plane, when he had an engine failure and put the plane down on the grounds of the Penmar Golf Course across the way from the Santa Monica Airport.

In "Star Wars," he played the courageous Han Solo.

HNGN previously wrote about the Thursday afternoon accident at the golf course.


Meanwhile, Perez Hilton released photos of Ford at the crash site as he was being taken away by stretcher and was then brought to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

ABC News credited Ford with doing a good job landing the plane without causing danger to others.

While Ford is recouperating at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, no further information is available from UCLA Medical Center. HIPA laws prevent medical facilities and personnel from releasing information on patients.

Ford's personal publicist Ina Trekoicas told HNGN.com in an email that regarding Ford's condition, the last statement was released last week and she didn't anticipate releasing any further updates.

Meanwhile, fans have made creative "memes" and photoshopped pictures, superimposing characters from "Star Wars" into news photos including the grounded vintage plane he flew. Celebrities and fans alike have been sending good wishes to Ford on social media.

Harrison Ford, Plane crash