Kevin Jonas Talks Fatherhood: Why He's Hoping For A Girl and How His Brothers Reacted To The News

Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle confirmed this week that they are expecting their first child together, and now the daddy-to-be is weighing in on his hopes for fatherhood and how they shared the news with their families!

The musician told E! News that Danielle's family was the first to hear know.

"[They were] there when we were ready to tell them," he said. "We actually waited a week to tell [Joe and Nick] because we wanted to tell them in person. I was dying inside."

So how did the famous siblings react?

"They did a simultaneous arm-shoot-up-in-the-air moment," Kevin said.

Joe and Nick Jonas are both excited to be uncles, they shared with E! News.

"I think, for me, it's gonna be a lot of music lessons," Nick Jonas said. "I want this kid to be good in baseball, as well. Basically all the things I love."

Joe, on the other hand, is more adventurous.

"I want to be able to be like, Kevin calls me three days later like, 'What? Where's my kid?' And I'm like, 'I have her in Taiwan, I forgot to tell you,'" he said.

Kevin and Danielle, who met in 2007 and tied the knot two years later, call this the most exciting time of their lives and can't wait to find out the sex of the baby.

"I want to find out, because I want to go shopping," Danielle said.

As far as a gender preference, Kevin says he hopes it's a girl.

"I would love to see a girl in the midst of all these boys all over the place," he said. "But then again, at the end of the day, if it's a boy-oh man, we're starting trouble."