Smartphone Addiction Goes Beyond Rampant; 9 Percent Americans Use Their Phones During Sex

A latest 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study reveals the extent of the usage of smartphones among Americans in most unusual places, including bathrooms and even during sex.

Smartphone addiction has only grown by the day. People are always found either texting, taking calls, browsing internet, checking mails or playing games on their phones. But the usage of these devices has grown so addictive that there are hardly any places left where people would choose not to carry their phones. According to the 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study conducted by Harris Interactive for Jumio, a mobile verification and payments company, nearly three in four American smartphone users are always within five feet of their devices most of the time.

For the study, Harris Interactive surveyed 2,021 U.S. adults aged above 18 years old, 1,102 of whom were smartphone owners. The online survey was conducted from June 13 to 17, 2013.

What is even more surprising is the fact that 9 percent Americans use their smartphones during sex. One in 10 American smartphone users admitted to having used their phones during sex, the study reveals, but does not specify the purpose of the usage. The number of people using their smartphones during sex doubled among younger adults aged between 18 to 34-years.

"It's no wonder people in relationships feel like their phones are cramping their love life - 12% of respondents in a relationship said they believe their smart phone gets in the way of that relationship," the study noted.

People are constantly within the reach of their phones and most of them have password protection. About 72 percent American adults don't let their phones out of sight fearing it might fall into wrong hands. But smartphone usage goes beyond protection of the information on phones. The study noted that 35 percent respondents use their phones in a movie theater, 33 percent during a dinner date, 32 percent at a child's school function, 55 percent while driving, 12 percent in the shower and 19 percent at a church or any place of worship.

Smartphone, Addiction, Goes, Limit, 9, Percent, Americans, Use, Phones