Facebook Removes 'Feeling fat' Emoticon After Complaints

Facebook has decided to remove the "feeling fat" emoticon from the site after receiving thousands of complaints and petitions from anti-body shaming groups. More than 26,000 people asked to remove the option.

"Fat is not a feeling. Fat is a natural part of our bodies, no matter their weight. And all bodies deserve to be respected and cared for," Catherine Weingarten and the group Endangered Bodies wrote in the petition.

The petition added that the status is making fun of people who consider themselves overweight and also targeting those suffering from eating disorders. The groups are worried that these emoticons might make young people think that using terms like "fat" or "ugly" are normal. Aside from Endangered Bodies, Change.org is also actively protesting the negative emoticon and promoting the hashtag #FatIsNotaFeeling on both Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook initially rejected the petition but decided to comply after the protests. However, the social networking giant is still keeping the chubby face emoticon with the status "feeling stuffed."

"We've heard from our community that listing 'feeling fat' as an option for status updates could reinforce negative body image, particularly for people struggling with eating disorders. So we're going to remove 'feeling fat' from the list of options. We'll continue to listen to feedback as we think about ways to help people express themselves on Facebook," the company said in a statement.

The removal of the "feeling fat" emoticon is considered as a victory for the groups who filed the petition.

"I'm thrilled that FB decided to remove the 'feeling fat' emoji. This success shows us that people together can challenge the cultural messages that are so damaging to our ability to love ourselves and live comfortably in our bodies," Weingarten wrote in an update.

A similar petition is filed against the emoticon "feeling ugly" but is still being reviewed.

Facebook, Fat, Body shaming
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