Baron Davis Aliens: Former Knick Says His Abduction Was a Scene Out of 'Space Jam'

Baron Davis has been out of the NBA spotlight for a while. Apparently, he’s too busy being visited by creatures from outer space.

The former New Orleans Hornet said he was “abducted by aliens,” according to the New York Daily News.

He spoke about the extra-terrestrial encounter Thursday during “The Champs Podcast” saying the incident was “like two weeks ago.”

(There will be a lot of stars to censor the profanity since he seems to use it in every other word.)

“I was, um, on my way from Vegas here to L.A.,” said Davis. ““I’m a little tired and s*** and I see this light and I think it’s a big-a** truck.”

The former New York Knick said all of a sudden he was in a huge “steel thing.” He called it a scene out of “Space Jam.” (If you have not been afforded the amazing privilege of watching “Space Jam” it’s the movie starring Michael Jordan where he helps Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tune characters win a championship basketball game against some aliens.)

As opposed to the fun experience Jordan had, Davis was taken by “these f****** crazy people” who looked “half-human, half like f****** ugly mother******.

Besides being an all-star caliber player when he was in his prime, the 34-year old Davis is also known for his practical jokes. “That alien things was a joke,” he eventually tweeted Friday night.

However, he kept the ruse up for the entire show.

The podcast’s hosts Moshe Kasher and Neal Brennan tried to get Davis to admit he was joking around but to no avail.

“Dude, they were poking me on my nose and s***,” he said.

“They were poking me on my nose and they were, like, looking me in my eyes,” Davis continued. “They had my hands like, tied up and the next thing you know, I was f------ in Montebello, dude, burning rubber on the way back to L.A. It was like four o’clock in the morning.”

“I just got off at the next exit,” said the UCLA product. .

“I come back and like, I’m sharper and s***. You know what I mean?” asked Davis. “I’m retaining information.”

He added he plans to write a book about the experience.

Davis also mentioned he was on Percocet for his knee.

Davis had to get knee surgery after he tore a ligament in 2012 during a Knicks playoff game against the Miami Heat. He currently works as a Knicks community rep.