International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 42 is Back Home on Earth, Soyuz Landed Safely (PHOTOS)

From NASA:

"Expedition 42 commander Barry Wilmore of NASA and flight engineers Alexander Samokutyaev and Elena Serova of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) touched down at approximately 10:07 p.m. EDT (8:07 a.m. March 12, Kazakh time) southeast of the remote town of Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan.

"During their time on station, the crew members participated in a variety of research focusing on the effects of microgravity on cells, Earth observation, physical science and biological and molecular science. One of several key research focus areas during Expedition 42 was human health management for long-duration space travel, as NASA and Roscosmos prepare for two crew members to spend one year aboard the space station.

"Having completed his second space station mission, Samokutyaev now has spent 331 days in space. Wilmore, having previously flown as a shuttle pilot on STS-129, has spent 178 days in space. Serova spent 167 days in space on her first flight.

"Expedition 43 currently is operating the station, with Virts in command. Flight engineers Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos and Samantha Cristoforetti of ESA (European Space Agency), are continuing station research and operations until three new crewmates arrive in two weeks. NASA's Scott Kelly and Roscosmos' Mikhail Kornienko and Gennady Padalka are scheduled to launch from Kazakhstan March 27, Eastern time. Kelly and Kornienko will embark on the first joint U.S.-Russian one-year mission, an important stepping stone on NASA's journey to Mars."

ISS, International Space Station, Space station, Roscosmos, Nasa, Barry Wilmore, Expedition 42, Kazakhstan, Cats, Mars, Jupiter, Earth, Spacex, SpaceX Dragon, Progress, Dragon, Big bang, Big bang theory, The Big Bang Theory, Terry Virts, Astronauts, Reid Wiseman, Samantha Cristoforetti, European Space Agency, ESA, Scott Kelly, Soyuz