Ohio Man Pooped on 19 Cars, Akron Police on the Lookout

Police in Akron, Ohio, have a crappy assignment - literally.

Cops are searching for a man that has pooped on 19 parked cars since May of 2012, according to ABC 5.

The "bowel movement bandit," as the TV station called him, commits his acts between 4 and 6 a.m., it reports. A resident caught him on film Wednesday morning, ABC 5 reported. She set up a camera after someone pooped on her car seven different times, according to the station.

In addition to the nickname ABC 5 shared, the culprit is also known as "Poopgangsta" and "The Phantom Pooper," according to Mashable.

The police department has shared a photo of the suspect in hopes that he'll be identified. Anyone with information is asked to call Akron Police at (330) 375-2552.

Ohio, Poop, Suspect, Cops, Police, Cars