‘Jessie’ Star Debby Ryan Talks Dating Abuse Among Teens: ‘I Know First-Hand How Alone You Can Feel’ [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

Debby Ryan joined forces with the global cosmetics company Mary Kay and its campaign to prevent and end dating violence, because she personally suffered through such an unhealthy relationship.

"I know first-hand how alone you can feel when you're in a relationship and you're being spoken down," Ryan tells Headlines & Global News in an exclusive interview. "You're almost forced to defend it. My situation was not ideal, but it could have been worse."

The star of Disney Channel's "Jessie" serves as the Mary Kay spokesperson for the "Don't Look Away" campaign, which brings awareness to dating abuse among teens and young adults, an epidemic that impacts one in three young people today.

The campaign includes nation's first-ever text-for-help service powered by loveisrespect that provides safe and anonymous advice to tens of thousands of young people each year via text. The person in the abusive relationship or her friends and family can text "Love Is" to 22522 and receive help from peer-trained advocates anytime, anywhere.

"My favorite part is the text for help service," the 21-year-old actress says. "I've actually used the service before and it's so cool because you'll say, 'My friend is in this relationship and I don't feel like it's normal or okay,' and they will respond and talk you through everything."

Ryan had a strong support system that recognized the warning signs in her past relationship, even when she refused to acknowledge them herself. Her friends and family fought for her and her heart.

"I kind of pretended, 'No, no, no. Nothing is going on. Everything is fine. I'm happy.' I was so broken down and hurt," she says. "The second you realize you're not worthless, you have value in yourself then there were people that I could reach out to and help push this person out of my life."

Nearly 75 percent of young people experience emotional abuse in their dating relationships and 40 percent never talked to anyone about the abusive behavior, according to a recent Truth About Abuse survey conducted by Mary Kay.

Ryan has traveled around the country to educate teens and young adults about healthy relationships, how to recognize the signs of dating abuse and raise awareness for support services. In addition, Mary Kay lends its services to make survivors not only look great on the outside, but empower them to feel beautiful and strong on the inside.

"It's important for people to know they're not the only one," Ryan says. "I'm still dealing with the repercussions emotionally and in relationships. I know, having gotten to know the women at Mary Kay and loveisrespect, this is real."

She continues, "It's a company and brand that cares about making sure that people are as strong as they can be. If something is breaking you down, you deserve to get yourself out."

Loveisrespect is a partner of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Ryan suggests people take the online quizzes provided by the organization's website to determine if they are in an abusive relationship. The website also provides information on six types of abuse, highlighting digital abuse such as social media use, texting or sexting, and checking into locations on Facebook or foursquare.

Disney, Domestic violence, Abuse