Buzz Aldrin to NASA: 'Get Your A** To Mars!' (PHOTO)

From Stonehenge's Facebook:

"From the moon to Stonehenge!

"We were delighted to welcome a very special visitor to Stonehenge this weekend, as @buzzaldrin and his family braved the bitter cold to visit the Stonehenge exhibitions and the stone circle.

"We think that Buzz was probably quite pleased to have bought the Stonehenge hoody and the sheep scarf in the shop before heading down to the stones - it was freezing!

"He was given a tour by archaeologist and Properties Historian Susan Greaney. He asked her where we keep the aliens.

"She didn't let on."

Aldrin is coincidentally selling the now famous "Get Your Ass To Mars" t-shirts and "Get Your Butt To Mars" baby onsies with proceeds benefiting his ShareSpace Foundation, which "addresses science literacy by igniting children's passion for science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) through delivering hands-on activities, inspirational messages, educational visits and Innovation Kits," according to the website.

Mars, Buzz Aldrin, Nasa, Mars mission, Stonehenge, Aliens, Astronauts, Space, Science, Travel, Us, World, Deep space, Space travel, Moon, Steam, STEM, Technology, Engineering, Children, Kids, Students, Arts, Math