‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 SPOILERS: R+L=J Theory Confirmed?

Season five of HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones" will premiere this Sunday and fans will finally be able to get lost back in Westeros. But before they do, a few things have to be considered.

Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for "Game of Thrones."

Actor Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow, teased some details about the dynamic between his character and the red priestess Melisandre when speaking to Entertainment Weekly recently. When asked if Jon Snow will be mourning the loss of Ygritte, Harington revealed that the relationship between he and Melisandre may not be entirely platonic.

"This season he only mentions [Ygritte] one-in a scene where he's being come onto by Melisandre. He's got bigger things at hand. If he's miser her, it's internal."

Bow Chic a Wow Wowww.

"There's definitely a future there this season, with him and [Melisandre]. Who knows what Melisandre sees in people, but she's obviously obsessed with bastards and noble blood," Harington said. "There's obviously something a bit special about him in this story, and she locks in on that. So this season she tries to seduce him. That's her power play. It's going to be an interesting battle."

Harington could have been speaking in general terms when he mentioned that there is something special about Jon Snow. After all, the guy is a badass. But he could also have been hinting at a larger fan theory about Snow's origins: R+L=J.

Basically, the theory is that Jon Snow is actually the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister. This would make him of noble birth and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. If this fan theory is actually true, it would make sense that Melisandre, who has a special ability to see visions in the flames, would become aware of it and take a shine to Jon. Remember, she knew who Gendry was long before she ever actually met him.

As Melisandre constantly reminds Stannis, king's blood is very powerful. Getting close to Jon and earning his trust (or, at least, his lust) would be a savvy move that would position her well for future events.

Even George R.R. Martin himself has hinted that fans may be spot on when it comes to Jon Snow's mother. Since the show will officially surpass the novel's narrative timeline, we could be getting the big reveal this season.

Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones season 5, Hbo, George R. R. Martin