Sprint's New International Data Plan Offers Free Messaging

Sprint is looking to keep up with the competition with a new international roaming plan that will provide you with free unlimited texting and 2G data.

The program, called International Value Roaming, will be available to people traveling through Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Russia, South Korea, Spain, and the U.K., according to Engadget.

Phone calls, unfortunately, don't come with the luxury of being free, as they will cost $0.20 per minute.

Sprint is expected to use its new plan to stay on par with other mobile carriers, especially T-Mobile, which offers a similar service for free in over 120 countries, Engadget reported. T-Mobile's plan, however, comes with a maximum data speed of 128kbps, while International Value Roaming has a maximum speed of 64kbps.

Sprint's introduction of its new service follows just a week after Google was reported to be looking to work with a variety of international carriers to launch a U.S. network, SlashGear reported. This service will apparently let users pay the same price for texting, calls and data while roaming as they would domestically.

Sprint, T mobile