George Zimmerman Update: Family Helped by Zimmerman Cancels Press Conference

The family who were rescued by George Zimmerman after their SUV rolled over had scheduled a press conference to discuss the accident but then quickly canceled it fearing they would receive "blow back" for praising the embattled Zimmerman, according to ABC News.

Dana and Mark Gerstle were scheduled to have a press conference at the office of Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, to describe what happened last Thursday when their blue Ford Explorer tipped over in Sanford, Fla.

"They have expressed to us that they are not comfortable doing media interviews at this time and they continue to ask for privacy," a statement from the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said.

Zimmerman had been in hiding ever since he had been found not guilty of second-degree murder in the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The verdict prompted demonstrations and outrage that have had Zimmerman and his family fearing for their lives. Rumors circulated that the crash had been set up in order to portray Zimmerman as a heroic figure, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

"Those who want to believe that it was staged can go right ahead and believe that," O'Mara said. "They can believe the Earth is still flat or that the Earth is the center of the Universe. It just happens not to be true."

O'Mara also expressed dismay that the Gerstle would feel threatened by publicly praising Zimmerman.

"I think what happened with them today was they were very worried and I think they were advised by family and friends that they really shouldn't get involved with anything to do with George Zimmerman...and that's really sad," O'Mara said. "They can't even say that George did something good for them because people out there believe he's so toxic even though he's been acquitted."

O'Mara would not say whether or not Zimmerman had obtained a gun since the Justice Department is holding on to the weapon he used as evidence. Recent attempts to help re-arm Zimmerman have made the news. A gun-rights advocacy group has offered to buy Zimmerman a replacement.

While he would not reveal if Zimmerman was armed O'Mara told reporters that he "should be given the threats against him." O'Mara also suggested that it might be best if Zimmerman were to leave the country, according to ABC News.