Clinton Rebukes 'Pay-to-Play' Allegations As Empty Attacks From Republicans

On Monday, Hillary Clinton rebuked allegations made in an upcoming book that highlights her family foundation's involvement in "pay-to-play" schemes with foreign entities, dismissing the claims as little more than partisan rhetoric intended to put an early end to her presidential bid.

"We are back into the political season and there are all kinds of distractions and attacks," Clinton told reporters in New Hampshire on Monday, reported CNN. "And I am ready for that. I know that that comes, unfortunately, with the territory. It is, I think, worth nothing that the Republicans seem to be talking only about me. I don't know what they would be talking about if I wasn't in the race. But I am in the race and hopefully we will get onto the issues and I look forward to that."

The book, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich," by Peter Schweizer, is set to be released on May 5.

It culminates a year-long investigation into the Clinton family, alleging that foreign entities regularly made donations to the Clinton Foundation, or paid Bill Clinton high speaking fees, in return for favors from Hillary's State Department.

The New York Times was given an advance copy of the book to pursue story lines and reported Sunday that the book is "the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle."

Schweizer writes in the book, "We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds."

Though it was written by a man with ties to conservative organizations like, the Times says that Schweizer "writes mainly in the voice of a neutral journalist and meticulously documents his sources, including tax records and government documents."

According to the Times, Clinton's campaign team is "planning another full-court press to diminish the book as yet another conservative hit job," and that's exactly what it appears Clinton's team began doing Monday.

"It is, I think, worth nothing that the Republicans seem to be talking only about me," Clinton said. "I don't know what they would be talk about if I wasn't in the race. But I am in the race and hopefully we will get onto the issues and I look forward to that."

John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman, told PBS Monday, "It's a book that's written by a former Bush operative who's a reporter for that august news institution,, or has been in the past. He's cherry picked information that's been disclosed and woven a bunch of conspiracy theories about it. The facts, there's nothing new about. The conspiracy theories - I guess we'll get to judge when we read the book."

"The only reason those facts are out there is because the Clinton Foundation has put all that out," Podesta added. "They've gone beyond any foundation of like size that's operating globally in public disclosure."

Even the White House commented on the hype surrounding the book, with press secretary Josh Earnest saying on Monday that while there have been "a lot of accusations made about this," there's "not a lot of evidence."

Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Republicans
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