Grand Theft Auto BBC Movie Casts 'Harry Potter' Daniel Radcliffe, Bill Paxton

The violent CGI game "Grand Theft Auto" (GTA) is set to be the theme of a forthcoming BBC drama that highlights the life of one of its creators, Sam Houser.

The global popularity and the controversy surrounding the video game pushed the executives of BBC to create a 90-minute drama, "Game Changer." The film script would be based on David Kushner's book, "Jacked: The Outlaw Story of Grand Theft Auto" published in 2012, the Independent reported.

British actor Daniel Radcliffe, of "Harry Potter" fame, has been chosen for the lead role and will portray Houser. While the feisty Florida lawyer, Jack Thompson, who is Houser's real-life nemesis, will be played by Bill Paxton.

Thompson has filed cases against Houser's company, Rockstar Games, and tried to stop the release of "Grand Theft Auto" games because he believes that they instill violence in real life in its players.

The lawyer was disbarred from practicing law in 2008 but continues his fight as an anti-obscenity campaigner.

"Grand Theft Auto" allows gamers the opportunity to live a life of crime and lawlessness. GTA is now on its fifth instalment and has so far earned more than $1 billion for Rockstar Games.

Grand Theft Auto V, Grand theft auto, Daniel radcliffe, Harry Potter
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