Instagram Adds Emoji-Based Search Engine

Just as emoticons and hashtags have become a standard part of internet communication today, so have emojis become a normal part of our social media. After all, who doesn't add a poop emoji to the end of their text when complaining?

While this is part of our communication, it's still really hard to find posts that are using a particular emoji. Or rather, it was until Instagram's latest update. The popular photo-sharing app will let users search for emojis inside a hashtag.

"Over the past few years, emoji have become part of a universal visual language. And just as we share photos and videos, we use emoji to communicate emotions and feelings in ways that anyone can understand, regardless of language or background. With emoji hashtags, you can discover even more by adding them to your own photos and videos, searching them on the Explore page and tapping on them when you see them in captions," Instagram said in a blog post published on Monday.

When a user searches for the particular emoji, they will get a montage of photos that have the emoji in the description, which users can dig through. But isn't this kinda useless? After all ,who wants to spend their time searching for Instagram posts with the poop emoji?

"It may sounds childish or trivial, but tagged to the insane number of images Instagram's 300 million users upload every month, the app's emoji search can return some interesting results, even if only revealing the proportion of photos that are tied to a certain emotion. For example, there are some 60,000 posts tagged #, whereas its happier counterpart, the smiley face , returns just 17,000 posts," notes Fast Company.

The update also added three additional photo filters that they call "Lark," "Reyes" and "Juno." This update is currently available for download on iOS and Android.

Technology, Instagram, Emojis, Photos, Search engine
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