Dubai Working on Real-Life Robo-Cops, Patrol Planned for 2017

Police in Dubai are looking to make the world of "RoboCop" a reality with a fleet of robots designed to patrol public areas.

Colonel Khalid Nasser Alrazooqi, the head of Dubai's "smart" unit, discussed the program at this year's Gulf Information Security Expo and Conference (GISEC), saying the goal is to help the city handle its increasing population, according to RT. The first group of bots will be tasked with keeping watch over malls and other crowded, but usually safe, public spaces.

"The robots will interact directly with people and tourists. They will include an interactive screen and microphone connected to the Dubai Police call centers. People will be able to ask questions and make complaints, but they will also have fun interacting with the robots," Alrazooqi said.

The speech follows a year after officers in Dubai started using Google Glass to fight crime.

GISEC was held in Dubai from April 26 to 28 and is the only large-scale conference in the city that focuses on dealing with cyber security crimes, the Khaleej Times reported.

Alrazooqi believes the robots will be able to work without any human intervention in the next four to five years.

"This is still under research and development, but we are planning on it," he added.

Dubai intends to have its robo-cops on patrol by 2017 and says it plans on becoming the world's most advanced police force.

Dubai, Police, Robots, Safety, United Arab Emirates