'Slap Therapy' Death: Boy, 7, Dies After Attending Constroversial Diabetes Treatment In Sydney

The diabetic boy named Aidan Fenton, who died under suspicious circumstances, was with his parents, attending a seminar at a Hurstville health center in Sydney, according to reports from 9News. A Chinese healer by the name of Hongchi Xiao was conducting the seminar in the area for three days. Xiao is said to be an advocate of "slap therapy," which asserts that toxins in the body can be unblocked and removed by slapping. The method is meant to cure whatever ails the person.

Participants of the workshop, including Fenton and his parents, were reportedly instructed by Xiao to undergo a 3-day fast and were taught exercises involving stretching and slapping. The method results in the induced vomiting and dizziness, which the health guru says is part of the "healing crisis."

The young boy had been vomiting at the workshop, according to witnesses. The parents of Aidan were also allegedly told by Xiao to stop administering insulin and rely solely on his methods, called the "Paida-Lajin therapy," which involves slapping and massaging, to treat his diabetes.

When the boy's parents found him unconscious at the hotel bed around 9:50 p.m., they immediately called paramedics for help, but the boy's heart apparently stopped beating en route to the hospital.

Xiao initally told police that Aidan was feeling well at the workshop. Authorities are now looking for the "healer." who it's believed left the country following the incident.

The Daily Mail reports that Xiao was fined $1600 for medical violations in Taiwan and was expelled from the country. A patient suffering from liver cancer also died while attending Xiao's therapy sessions, and his family has lodged a complaint with police.

Police are still questioning witnesses about the workshops.
