SeaWorld Pilot Whale Video: Animal Struggles to Get Back Into Water; Attendees Angered By Trainers' Slow Response to Help (WATCH)

A video recorded by a SeaWorld attendee showing a pilot whale out of water for several minutes during a show went viral and sparked outrage amongst animal lovers.

The clip was posted on the YouTube account of Carlo De Leonibus, who wrote in the video description the sight of the whale out of the water angered the crowd, "yelling to save the dolphin."

"I went and told a SeaWorld employee in a dark blue shirt who said it was normal and that it was fine, playing etc. I went back to the bleachers and began recording. What I saw, changed my view of SeaWorld forever," he said in the YouTube description.

At the end of the video, a trainer went on the loudspeaker to explain what was happening. Two trainers reportedly pushed the whale back into the water.

Though many attendees were angered by the event, the SeaWorld assured that this animal's behavior was normal.

SeaWorld released the following statement to WESH Orlando:

The safety of guests and employees and the welfare of our animals are SeaWorld's highest priorities. The pilot whale shown in the video is not stranded or beached on the ledge at SeaWorld Orlando's whale and dolphin stadium. The whale was never in danger. This is social and play behavior our trainers see daily and sometimes hourly by the pilot whales. If you listen closely the trainer on microphone is trying to tell the audience just that.

This whale was beached and stranded when it was saved by our animal rescue team last Labor Day weekend in South Florida. After it was rescued and rehabilitated, it was deemed un-releasable by the federal government.

The younger and more inexperienced animals - like the one on the video - sometimes take a little longer to find their way back to the water because they haven't completely mastered the technique yet. When this happens the animal is constantly monitored by our animal trainers. The whale was never in danger. In fact, the pilot whales are trained to swim onto the ledge so we can monitor their growth and give them veterinary care.