Fox News' Bob Beckel in Rehab: Channel Confirms Reason for his Absence from 'The Five'

Turns out there is an explanation for Bob Beckel's more than two-month absence from his co-host chair on Fox News Channel's "The Five": he's in rehab.

"Bob Beckel has entered a rehab facility for treatment of an addiction to prescription pain medication," the network said in a statement on Thursday, according to Mediaite. "His relapse developed over the last several months as he tried to cope with extensive back pain before and after he underwent major back surgery. We hope our viewers and the public will respect Bob's privacy during this difficult time."

Beckel had not appeared on Fox since February, prompting viewers "to repeatedly ask the show - and the network - to explain where he was," TV Newser reported. In March, Beckel's co-panelist on "The Five," Greg Gutfeld, answered viewers by saying that Beckel had undergone "major back surgery," TV Newser reported at the time.

TV Newser went on to report that Beckel's status with the station "remains unchanged," noting that Fox News "stood by anchor Gregg Jarrett after an alcohol-related arrest and during his treatment for alcoholism."

BizPacReview noted that "Beckel has made no secret of past addictions to both drugs and alcohol."

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Rehab, Fox News, Drugs, Painkillers