Tumalo Falls Defacement Facebook Post Goes Viral, Helps Authorities In Search For Vandals

Brett Nelson, a resident of Prineville, Ore. played the role of a good Samaritan last Saturday.

While hiking, Nelson saw a group comprised of an adult man and two teenagers carving their names into the railing beneath Tumalo Falls. He asked them to stop what they were doing.

However, the group blatantly refused, which peeved Nelson. So, along with his hiking companion, Lyle Sweeney, they took a photo of the three and Nelson shared it on his Facebook page.

Unbelievable spontaneous hike. "SPOILED" By most unbelievable Douche'-Bag parenting I have ever encountered. PROUD...

Posted by Brett Nelson on Saturday, May 2, 2015

Nelson's caption reads: "'SPOILED' By most unbelievable Dou***'-Bag parenting I have ever encountered. PROUD parent letting children carve names in tumalo falls hand railing. Asking, boy on the left are you seriously going to carve your name in that rail...Yup. Turning to the Douc***** Dad, I stated you know your letting your kids deface federal public land? How is this ok??? Daughter says Umm, we can do what we or I want."

"They just turned around and finished their work, like it was an art project," Nelson said, according to The DailyMail.

The post went viral and currently has more than 50,000 shares.

As of Tuesday, national forest law enforcement officers are working to track down the three people in the photo. Nelson has received an inbox full of tips, and he is currently working with officials in sifting through them.

"Brett doing what he did really helps us out," Kassidy Kern, spokeswoman for the Deschutes National Forest, told Oregon Live. "For as spoiled as his experience felt at the moment, it certainly has catalyzed a movement of people who really value public lands."

Kern also said that "because it's an open investigation, we're not going to make a lot of comments until the loop has been closed," according to a follow up report from OregonLive.

Facebook, Oregon, Nature, Hiking, Social media