Google Lets Users Order Food Through Search Results

Google is making it possible for you to have breakfast, lunch and dinner delivered to your house by ordering through search results.

The new service comes in the form of a "place an order" option that appears whenever you search for food, according to PCWorld. You can then tap the businesses listed in the results and pick which ever restaurant you're feel like ordering from.

Users can then pick from six food on-demand providers to deliver their order, which include Seamless, Grubhub, Eat24,, BeyondMenu and

You won't be able to use this new delivery option for local restaurants that don't offer food through these six delivery companies, The Verge reported. However, Google said it plans on eventually bringing more delivery providers to the service.

The search giant isn't the first company to give its users the ability to order food, PCWorld reported. Amazon introduced a similar service in Seattle, Wash. in December called "Takeout & Delivery," a pilot project that requires users to go to specific websites to place orders.

Google users in the U.S. are currently the only ones who have access to the new delivery service. It has yet to be revealed when this option will reach users in other parts of the world.

Google, Google search, Restaurants