Jean Claude Van Damme and Charlie Sheen at 'Pound Of Flesh' Premiere [HNGN RED CARPET VIDEO INTERVIEWS]

Jean Claude Van Damme and a bevy of his famous friends and castmates hit the red carpet at the premiere of "Pound Of Flesh," Van Damme's new movie, which hits theaters this Friday, May 15.

In the dramatic action-thriller, Van Damme plays Deacon, a man who's efforst to help a distressed women result in him waking up the next day with one less kidney and a mind full of revenge.

HNGN's Chance Spiessbach was on the scene to interview Van Damme as well as Charlie Sheen, who was also in attendance at the premiere.

Below, you can watch the interviews with the two superstars, as well as a trailer for the movie.

Charlie Sheen