Facebook Ads Will No Longer Appear On News Feed

Facebook ads will soon be redirected to inbox instead of appearing on the news feed. Facebook announced the new messaging system which will be tested soon before implementing.

The new Facebook Messaging system will not allow users to choose to receive messages from only friends or other people, but will give option to pay and have messages sent to anybody.

The new system is specially designed to avoid any unnecessary marketing messages coming right through. Only genuine marketers will pay for the subscription and send messages to inbox and these messages will not go to the "other" folder.

"Today we're starting a small experiment to test the usefulness of economic signals to determine relevance," said Facebook's announcement, according to Daily Tech. "This test will give a small number of people the option to pay to have a message routed to the Inbox rather than the Other folder of a recipient that they are not connected with.

"Several commentators and researchers have noted that imposing a financial cost on the sender may be the most effective way to discourage unwanted messages and facilitate delivery of messages that are relevant and useful."

According to Facebook, the new Messaging system will have some restrictions while it's in the testing phase. It will only allow users to send a message to people they have spoken or seen live. It will not allow any out of the link users to send any message, be it personal or marketing related. The new service is mainly focused to allow only genuine marketers reach those billion monthly active users of Facebook.

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