Russian Space Agency Reports Emergency During Failed Proton-M Rocket Launch and Crash (PHOTOS, TWEETS)

Another failure for Roskosmos. After the engines on the Progress cargo ship docked on the ISS failed to fire for the first time, a rocket launch also had Moscow fuming.

Russia also had trouble on Saturday with the currently docked ISS Progress 58. The engines would not ignite during the first few test fires, according to Interazionale. Eventually, the rockets fired and on Sunday, the ISS was boosted to the correct altitude in preparation for the undocking of Progress M-26M, according to The Guardian, which will bring three crew members home in June.

Lack of supplies and manpower could be to blame, according to RFI, but Russia says there will be an investigation.

Space travel, Roscosmos, Russia, Satellite, Progress, Spacex, International Space Station