Dog Meat Trade: Advocacy Groups Support Cats, Dogs In Awareness Week

This week animal lovers across the world are advocating against the meat trade industries.

Although no animal should be subjected to the horrors of meat trade, the week especially focuses on dogs and cats since much of the world views these animals as pets and trusted companions.

The awareness week was started in 2013 by the charity NoToDogMeat.

"How can boiled puppy juice be the new Viagra?" NoToDogMeat asks on their website.

"How can a dogs fed on rotting waste of packed tightly in cages, transported for hours without food or water be humane? This is not farming. It is ( for the most part) an illegal, unregulated industry, run by criminal gangs and fuelled by greed. The cultural practice of deliberately making an animal suffer to alter the taste has is not and never has been acceptable. It is time for change and NoToDogMeat stands firm and marches forward peacefully with that goal in mind."

Some groups, such as Humane Society International, work every day trying to end the dog meat trade across Asia. They've had some success, like in March when they saved 57 dogs from a South Korea dog meat farm, but they still have a long way to go.

Today advocacy groups are asking people to raise awareness for the horrid meat trade through the hash tags #SpeakUp4Dogs and #NotCool4Cats.

Dog, Cat, Animal, Humane society international