Rebel Wilson Lied About Background & Age, 'Pitch Perfect' Star Actually 36?

UPDATE: Rebel Wilson has responded to the claims from an unnamed source in an Australian celebrity magazine that she lied about her background and age. The comedian took to Twitter to defend herself.

She also made a confession that "Pitch Perfect" fans will surely appreciate.

"Pitch Perfect 2" may have a cappela-ed its way to $70 million at the box office this weekend, but star Rebel Wilson just might be singing a different tune.

In several interviews, Wilson has described her unique upbringing in the "ghetto" of Sydney, Australia where she was raised by her dog-training parents. The self-proclaimed 29-year-old said she turned to acting and comedy after an alleged case of malaria.

However, a new report from Women's Day with an unnamed source who claims to be an old schoolmate of Wilson's says that her story is off-note.

"She's clearly got a vivid imagination," the source said. "Maybe you have to tell stories to make it in Hollywood!"

"I studied with Rebel at Tara Anglican School for Girls in North Parramatta, Sydney. But no one knew of a Rebel Wilson. Her name is - or was - Melanie Elizabeth Bownds, and she's 36 - she was born in 1979 and we left school in 1997."

Wilson's comedic persona is eccentric and out there, but the source claims she never acted like a "class clown" in school or grew up in the "ghetto."

Pitch Perfect 2, Pitch Perfect, Rebel Wilson, Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Banks