Demi Lovato Loves Kim Kardashian (FIND OUT WHY)

Demi Lovato revealed that she admires Kim Kardashian becasue of her use of social media for the greater good of society.

The media and fans who love to hate the reality star, often talk about the reality star's nude pictures that she posts on the social media site but that's not all she is posting.

Lovato is reminding the world that Kardashian is changing the world with her social media through her #RedFlag documentary.

Kardashian, who has more than 33 million followers on Instagram alone, is using her own social media to promote the documentary that discusses the collision between millennial mental-health challenges and social media.

Kardashian's role in discussing mental health particularly hits home for Lovato, who used to suffer from body image issues.

"What matters to me is the fact that somebody would use their social media to raise awareness of issues like that," Lovato told CelebBuzz. "That's what's really exciting - people in pop culture, such as Kim, can really make a difference when it comes to getting the word out about something. They can make it happen."

Demi Lovato, Kim Kardashian, Social media, Documentary, Mental health, Body image