
911 Frantic Call from Mom Attacked by Bikers Played in Court

"We have a baby in the car! Stop!"

Those were the words that a 911 dispatcher heard when a mother frantically dialed in.

The call was from Rosalyn Ng, who was in the car with her husband Alexian Lien and two-year-old daughter when a group of bikers attacked them.

A dozen people on motorcycles swarmed a black SUV on the Manhattan's West Side Highway, according to ABC News. Some were popping wheelies and slapping the tops of cars, and others were even blocking cars from going north. A motorcyclist knocked off the rear-view mirror of the SUV while some bikers got off their rides and approached the car.

Lien had accelerated into one of the bikers, leaving him paralyzed. It sparked outrage; the bikers pulled Lien from the SUV and stomped on him repeatedly while lying on the ground face down. Some even smashed on the car breaking the glass and risking the baby at the backseat.

"They somehow get my door open and there were like two or three guys," Ng told the court during trial, WABC reported. "And they were yanking me out. They couldn't drag me out of the car because I still had my seatbelt on. I'm screaming, 'We have a baby! We have a baby! Stop! Stop!'"

Ng managed to call 911 for help, but couldn't do anything about her husband being beaten.

"I was trying to keep my daughter's face away from looking at Alex. I just didn't want to scare her," she said.

The video above contains new evidence presented in the court for the trial.

911 call
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