A happy ending is still elusive for Wina Lia, the Indonesian woman who sold her house with a promise of marrying the man who will buy it.
The package deal seemed to fall apart when Wina found out that the prospective home buyer and husband for her was already married, according to Time.
It was only a week ago when Wina, a single mother, expressed to the media her happiness as 40-year-old widower Redi Eko Saputra has already taken up her offer. According to Wina, Redi's staff saw the ad about her unique offer of the Yogyakarta house with her hand for marriage. At that time, Redi was said to be looking for a wife. He also has two children studying in Yogyakarta, so it was a good idea to moves there, according to Rappler.
When Wina thought that everything has been set, Endang Titin Wapriyustia, Redi's current wife, surfaced to belie the reports that he is a widower. Endang said she was a widower when she married Redi. They were teenage friends but separated until they ended up marrying other people. But after Endang's husband died and Redi separated from his first wife, the two got together and got married.
The revelation came as a shock to Wina.
"I was surprised when I read in the media that he is married," she told Kompas.com.
Redi, according to Wina, claimed he was pressured into marrying Endang. He lied to her because he was afraid that she would leave him. He asked for time to solve his problem.
Wina said she's going to postpone the wedding plans "until all of this is finished."
The house measures 523 square meters and includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a fish pond.
However, Wina is still willing to sell the single-storey house to Redi as she waits for him until Sunday to complete his payment.