NBA 2K14: Steve Kerr Talks About Commentating For the Game

When sports video games come out, it’s pretty common to see the players go behind the scenes to use the motion control technology and tell you why that particular game (“Madden NFL,” “MLB: The Show,” “FIFA”) is their favorite. But how often do you get to hear the commentator’s point of view?

“NBA 2K” fans got that chance when “The Bleacher Report” went behind-the-scenes for "NBA 2K14" with in-game commentator Steve Kerr.

“I’ve been doing this for years I think this is probably my sixth year doing voiceovers for video games,” said Kerr.

“It’s very intimidating early on in the process because we do the work by hours. So I know going into each year that I’ve got maybe 40-50 hours of work ahead. So the very first session we’ll do three of four hours, finish and then I’ll think, ‘Aww man I’ve got like 47 hours left,” he said with a laugh.

Kerr also discussed how he gets the chance to be creative when recording to "NBA 2K."

“These guys here at 2K they encourage me to say what I think. I can completely go off script if I want ,” described Kerr, a five-time NBA champion (3 with the Chicago Bulls and 2 with the San Antonio Spurs)*. “It’s really a good formula because of having themes to talk about but plenty of freedom to stray from the script as well.”

Kerr described one of the comical experiences he has because of his job.

“I get calls from friends of mine saying ‘I thought you were at our house today because my kid was playing the video game and I heard your voice and I went looking for you in the other room,” he said. “So it’s kind of funny some of the stories I get. “

Kerr also had a message for people who think his in-videogame commentary is a little peculiar.

“Plenty of people questioned my strategic decision making on the air of my video games,” explained Kerr.

However, it doesn’t bother him.

“That’s OK," he said,” I welcome all criticism.

Kerr is currently an analyst on "NBA on TNT."

"NBA 2K14" will hit stores Oct. 1 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will debut for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later in the year.

*Previously said Kerr won all of his championships with the Bulls