Gay Marriage: Italy May Follow Ireland After 'Yes' Votes Win Same-Sex Marriage Referendum

Following Ireland's historic vote to legalize gay marriage on May 22, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's backers in Italy have made calls to fast-track the passing of the civil partnership law. The country remains the only Western European state that has yet to recognize gay marriage. The prime minister has reportedly privately sought his cabinet members on the issue and many of his allies are in favor of the proposal, according to the Telegraph.

On Sunday, editorials in some of Italy's dailies discussed Ireland's referendum, which earned 62 percent of the "Yes" votes. It has been predicted that this would also have a similar outcome in Italy, should it happen, citing that that the divorce referendum passed in 1974 was heavily favored by 60 percent of its voters.

"From Ireland another push. It's time that Italy also has a law on civil unions. To be European signifies recognizing rights," said Laura Boldirini, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, on her Twitter account. Her sentiments earned the support of Flavio Romani, who heads the Acrigay, a civil rights group.

"It would be enough for our MPs to seize on the occasion that the European debate offers them and create an act of high political vision, aiming at the right to equality," Romani said, in a report from Italy's The Local.

"Now it is Italy's turn. The moment has arrived, finally, to approve this before the summer's end," Andrea Marcucci, the democratic senator, said in the same news story.

Ireland, a hugely Catholic country, has become the model for gay marriage legalization for many liberals. Leftist leader Nichi Vendola said that the response to the Irish referendum is "a lesson in civilization" and a "victory for the beauty of the right to have rights, of love over prejudice and of freedom over obscurantism," as reported by Brietbart.

Gay marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Italy, Ireland
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