Taylor Swift Tells Fan She Is Not Her ‘Mom’

Taylor Swift is a savvy millennial who leverages social media to interact with fans and further promote herself. But sometimes, she also uses it to dole out some life lessons.

Swift had recently employed her following on Tumblr to teach her new slang words, one of which was "mom" which is meant as a sign of respect. But one fan, Maddie, shared a video of her mother complaining that her daughter keeps referring to her as "Taylor" and Swift had to set the record straight.

"Maddie," Swift wrote in reply, "This is a passionate plea and I see her reasoning. Your mom birthed you. I was off playing in coffee houses. Your mom tended to you when you cried as a toddler. I drew lyrics on my arms and stomped around in cowboy boots while you cried in the night. Your mom taught you how to speak and read. I was like 'come on! Let's all have fun and jump around at this concert and paint our faces with glitter!' So no, I have not earned the right to be referred to as your 'Mom'. I'm more like your crazy aunt. So you shall not call me 'Mom'. No, it's Aunt Becky."

Becky is in reference to the famous meme that Swift embraced when she first took over her Tumblr last year.

Overall, a sweet and heartfelt message from Swift. And to think some people believe social media is ruining our youth!

Taylor Swift, Tumblr