Cannabistro: Gourmet Marijuana London Restaurant

There has been a spurt of marijuana-themed establishments growing and popping up in London, and the latest business that is set to open in the city is Cannabistro, a gourmet restaurant conceptualized by the chefs from Grub London, according to The Telegraph.

Diners will get the chance to enjoy a four-course meal that the chefs say is "inspired by hazy memories of teenage years." The gourmet dishes, which promise to satisfy diners who have "the munchies," will include menu selections like homegrown herb, oxtail ravioli, hemp and beef bone broth and hemp-cured samphire, beetroot, mackerel and horseradish. There will also be servings of kebabs and a helping of Snickers bars.

The restaurant, however, will only be open for two days, on Friday, June 26, and Saturday, June 27. Interested patrons will have to register for a seat at the website set up by the Grub Club, the restaurant's organizers.

Cannabistro isn't the first cannabis-inspired food establishment in London though, members of the London Cannabis Club on Facebook have mentioned a store aptly called Get Baked, which has been in operation for more than three years. These members clarify that there is no actual illegal selling of marijuana going on. The dishes and goodies are simply "cannabis-inspired."

Without the appropriate licenses, cannabis cannot be grown, distributed or sold in the United Kingdom, as stated in their drug laws.

London, Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Restaurants