Taco Bell Waffle Taco Comes to Limited Markets, Part of New Breakfast Menu

In an effort to compete with the Egg McMuffin and the Croissan'wich Taco Bell is developing a breakfast menu of their own centered around a menu item that only the boldest of eaters would have ever considered; a waffle taco.

The fast-food giant has introduced the breakfast item to a small number of stores in Southern California where it has been met with much acclaim. Taco Bell is now planning on rolling out the item and the rest of their breakfast menu to an additional 100 restaurants in Fresno, Calif., Omaha, Neb., and Chattanooga, Tenn., according to the Associated Press.

The item is not so much a "waffle taco" as it is an egg and sausage taco with a waffle shell. The waffle taco comes with a side of syrup although it would probably be pretty good with some "Fire" sauce as well.

Brian Niccol, the president of Taco Bell, explained to the Associated Press that the reason the item is being introduced so slowly is so the restaurant can determine if the added effort required to make the waffle tacos will hurt operations.

"You only get one shot when you go with big items," Niccol said.

The idea to serve breakfast at the Mexican inspired fast-food chain came as part of an attempt to lure customers to the restaurant at times other than the dinner and lunch rushes. About 850 of Taco Bell's 6,000 locations in the United States already serve breakfast. In addition to expanding to breakfast Taco Bell has been trying to entice customers with a "Happier Hour" featuring snacks and drinks in the middle of the afternoon, according to the Associated Press.

Since introducing the waffle taco to the Southern California market in March the item has gone through some tweaks. The frying time has been altered and the shape of the waffle has been improved so that the filling doesn't slide right out, according to the Associated Press.

If the waffle taco finds its way to your region you may want to think twice before ordering one as the item contains 460 calories and an astounding 30 grams of fat.

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