Kanye and North West Unrecognizable In Kim Kardashian Mobile Game

It's about time Kim Kardashian added her husband and daughter to her video game! Too bad the two are completely unrecognizable.

Kim announced the release of her video game "Kim Kardashian Hollywood" to app stores last year, and it's surprisingly been a huge hit.

All of Kim's sisters are already a part of the game and today, Glu Mobile, the company behind the game, has released an image to its Twitter account of Kanye and North West's characters.

Without the caption, many fans may not have realized who the virtual characters are supposed to be because they look nothing like Kanye and North, Entertainment Tonight noted.

Glu Mobile also shared a photo of what seems to be North's nursery for the game, which looks much more like the real thing.

The game is estimated to be worth up to $200 million, and fans have gone absolutely crazy over being able to virtually live the life of a Kardashian.

Kim is really into it, too. "The look of the game was really important to me," she explained to AdWeek earlier this year. "I must have pulled thousands of references of all the different ways that characters should have their hair, the outfits and the shoes."

The reality star even admitted to having to go back into the programming to fix a character's shoes that didn't match their outfit. "It was important to me that everything is right," Kim continued.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, North West, Kim Kardashian Hollywood, Video Games, App, Kim and Kanye