High School's Graduation Dress Code Guidelines Advise Ladies to Conceal their ‘Sausage Rolls’ (VIDEO)

No "sausage rolls" at graduation.

A recent letter issued to Biglerville graduates might make them more likely to sprint across the stage and never look back after grabbing their diploma.

On Tuesday, administrators at the Pennsylvania school distributed guidelines for appropriate attire - titled "Proper Attire and Etiquette for Awards Program and Graduation" - ahead of Friday's graduation, but the wording used was more than offensive.

Male students were advised to wear khakis or dress slacks with a collared shirt and reminded to pull their "drawers" up. Female students were told to wear "modest attire," which included clothing that would "keep 'the girls' covered and supported," The Huffington Post reported.

One student, Brianna Burtop, 18, was particularly offended by the language in the letter.

"They were telling us that they don't want to be looking at our sausage rolls and you can't fit 10 pounds of mud in a 5-pound bag," she told WHTM/ABC27, citing direct examples from the letter.

Graduation, Pennsylvania, High school, Dress code, Guidelines