'The Walking Dead' Season 6 RUMORS: Abraham and Eugene Will Die, Enid to Become Major Character?

Season six of "The Walking Dead" is still four months away, but rumors regarding which survivors will soon become walkers are already swirling thanks in large part to an unlikely source— the cast members.

Once upon a time, Eugene and Abraham had an amicable relationship. Abraham made it his mission to protect Eugene, because of what he thought was the key to bring civilization back. So Abraham took it poorly, to say the least, when Eugene duped everyone and admitted he knew as much about ending the apocalypse as Carl.

Off-screen and in the real world not yet full of walkers, Michael Cudlitz (Abraham) and Josh McDermitt (Eugene) are close, it seems. McDermitt recently was on hiatus from Twitter because he was filming a movie called "Middle Man." The project wrapped up recently, and he tweeted about it. Being a good friend, Cudlitz congratulated him with a tweet, and in the process gave fans some potentially massive spoilers for "The Walking Dead."

Thanks Erick ~ The original Michael Cudlitz tweet. ~Shiny

Posted by The Spoiling Dead Fans on Thursday, May 28, 2015

In the congratulatory message, Cudlitz spoke of working with McDermitt in the past tense, which has lead many to believe one or both of the actors have parted ways with their roles on AMC's hit show. Cudlitz backtracked and erased the original tweet, which drew even more suspicion from fans.

It's not hard proof that one of the characters will soon depart, but there is a lot of evidence that two new characters, possibly Enid's parents, will make an appearence in season six.

Arguably the biggest question mark from last season, Enid has spent her time in Alexandria flirting with Carl and carving the ominous "W" into trees. Her potential connection to The Wolves has not yet been explained, but we do know she is a loaner and quite skilled in the wilderness. According to The Spoiling Dead, there will be at least one flashback sequence in season six that features Enid's parents, and the website has photo proof from the set.

Her future with Carl, and the other survivors in Alexandria, is up in the air, as is how deep a potential major story arch surrounding her past will get, but going into Enid's life with her parents could be a big sign that she is here to stay.

Fans will still be on the edge of their seat when it comes to Enid and The Wolves, however. No spoilers or clues have been discovered on that front, but the mysterious group is set to play a big part in season six. Which side will Enid be on?

The walking dead, Amc, Television, Entertainment, Zombies