
Anti-Islam Protest Site Holds ‘Love, Not Hate’ Event

A mosque in Arizona, which has been the site of a volatile anti-Islam demonstration last week, has held a "Love, Not Hate" event on Monday to promote peace and inclusiveness.

The event was organized by more than 20 groups, four days after more than 200 protesters criticized Islam and its prophet.

The Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, which is hosting the event, has stated that the gathering includes a multi-faith prayer service and speakers to "show that when one of us is mistreated, our community responds with a message of Love and Not Hate," according to Reuters.

"We ask that you bring a flower as a symbol of love and care," the organizers said.

"We are better together, and together we are strong," they added.

About 200 people came to the event, some carrying tulips, some roses, and others carrying daisies. Reverend Erin Tamayo, executive director of Arizona Faith Network, spoke about the turnout of the event, The Oslo Times reported.

"There's been a lot of effort to divide the faith community and set us apart from one another and we want to demonstrate a strong message of togetherness," he said. "I am praying we don't get any negative response."

The rally was held at the mosque where the two gunmen who opened fire outside an anti-Muslim event in Texas last month previously worshipped, according to The Oslo Times.

As the event happened, demonstrators from both sides screamed obscenities at each other, with counter-protesters shouting "Go home, Nazis!" Police in riot gear had to separate the two groups, according to Reuters.

Among the co-sponsors of Monday's peaceful protest were the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona, Arizona Interfaith Movement and the Anti-Defamation League.

Arizona, Arizona State, Anti-muslim
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