'Entourage' Star Jerry Ferrara Weight Loss Explained

The "Entourage" movie will be hitting the big screen this week and the whole original gang is back, although some of the characters may look a little different.

Jerry Ferrara returns for his role as Turtle, only this time he's much thinner.

While promoting the film, Ferrara showed off his slimmer and more toned frame, according to PEOPLE.

Last month, he spoke to New You Magazine about his weight loss journey and what encouraged him to make some changes.

"During season six, about three months shy of my 30th birthday, I had to take a physical," he explained. "I passed the exam, but I weighed about 200 pounds and I'm 5'7". It's hard to carry 200 pounds on that frame."

His doctor had warned him, at the time, that his weight could be a potential health risk later on in his life.

"It might have been a scare tactic," he continued. "But it was simply put, and I listened."

He admits to a lot of yo-yo dieting, and a lot of giving up, before he finally found his groove. He then lost almost 40 pounds in just 10 months.

"What happened then was a whole lifestyle change," he revealed. "I devoted myself to working out, quit smoking, committed to an annual physical."

Now, he plays basketball, boxes and weight trains weekly, while always giving himself one day to do absolutely nothing while he recovers.

"I was 23 when the show started," he explained to PEOPLE. "I had a lot of growing up to do in my personal life. I think my character [Turtle] was a late bloomer and I think I was, too. It's still an ongoing process. It's not even close to done."

About 10 months ago, the 35-year-old actor took to Instagram to share his weight loss progress with his fans. Although he may not be close to done, he looks great!


A photo posted by Jerry Ferrara (@jerryferrara) on Aug 6, 2014 at 6:49pm PDT

Entourage, Weight loss, Fitness, Health