Clooney Baby Plans: George Clooney's Rep Says Recent Baby Plans Quote Was 'Made Up'

George Clooney's representative announced that the alleged quote from the actor in the German newspaper Bild saying he wanted to have kids was made up.

The newspaper quoted Clooney saying that he and his new wife, lawyer Amal Clooney, want kids but are taking their time to do so. The misquote was then picked up by several major news outlets, including Reuters.

As it turns out there may not be any children in the near future for the busy couple.

"[It's a] made up story," Clooney's publicist Stan Rosenfield told Yahoo News, claiming that Bild never even asked the actor about perspective children.

The question of kids in Clooney's future has came up several times in other recent interviews he went on.

"I've thought about it I suppose, but I haven't really - it hasn't been high on my list, uh, I've been asked a lot lately because I've gotten married and I'm doing a movie with kids in it. You should see how creative the way they ask me," Clooney recently told Charlie Rose on CBS This Morning.

George Clooney, Amal Clooney, Baby, Family, Celebrity, Actor, Lawyer, Children