Andrea Canning Gives Birth – NBC Correspondent Welcomes Fifth Daughter

Andrea Canning and her husband, USMC Major Tony Bancroft, added to their family of girls with a fifth baby daughter.

The couple welcomed Elle Corbin Bancroft on May 27, weighing in at 8 pounds and 5 ounces, according to

"Everyone's doing great. We're just very excited," the NBC correspondent told "Today." "The girls are old enough now where they really know what's going on, so it's a little different this time around.

Elle joins her four older sisters including 6-year-old Anna Katherine, 5-year-old Charlotte Brewster, 2-year-old Christina Margaret and Georgia Raplje who's 15 months old. Canning doesn't notice the age difference much anymore as her family grows larger.

"I think when you have fewer kids, you notice the difference more. The more you have, the less you notice a big change in family dynamics," she said.

The newborn baby came as a surprise to the 42-year-old Canning, who told earlier this year that her fifth pregnancy was a "little unexpected" and considered the new addition "a bonus baby." She then added, "This is the last one - we're done!"

With four other girls running around the house, Canning quickly got back to her regular schedule at home.

"With this many kids, you have to just bounce back," she said. "As long as everybody's healthy, mom's healthy, baby's healthy, you just got to get back into the swing of things."

Nbc, Birth, Pregnancy