"Fear The Walking Dead" is only two months away.
The spinoff of AMC's "The Walking Dead" has been one of the most hyped shows of the summer leading up to its premiere, and finally fans are starting to learn more about the characters and potential plot lines.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, "The Walking Dead" creator and "Fear The Walking Dead" producer Robert Kirkman dished out some vital information on the new series. Below are quotes from the interview, with bits of added information that is already known.
Madison- The lead female character
"Madison is a character whose husband died. And she's been raising her kids on her own, so she's a character that has experienced a very abrupt change to her life that she has had to adapt to. So there's an inherent strength in this single mother that makes her in some ways uniquely adapted to live in the zombie apocalypse. And I think Kim has shown that if you want to have a strong female character, a no-nonsense strong character -but with a lot of warmth, because its hard sometimes to find an actress that can have those two things and can be this leader and also have this warmth and this kindness to her-that's something that Kim is very capable of."
Exclusive #FearTheWalkingDead photos and intel from @RobertKirkman: https://t.co/MFQz6RCw6l pic.twitter.com/gFMsK9wJvj
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) June 4, 2015
Travis- Madison's boyfriend
"Travis is a character that represents a sense of stability in Madison's life, and so he's really 100 percent on board. With the craziness of her life, he's her rock. He's her foundation. He's come into this and become a part of her life and definitely is someone she's leaned on. He's definitely got a darkness to his past. There are some interesting revelations to come with him, I'll just say that. He is finding himself torn between Liza, his ex-wife, and Madison."
Alicia- Madison's daughter
"Alicia is your atypical teenage girl. She excels at school. She's on her way to college. She's very self-sufficient. She's very self-reliant. She's kind of the model student and the model child."
Des nouvelles images de Fear The Walking Dead #FearTheWalkingDead pic.twitter.com/i6PPfRlwb3 — Fear The WalkingDead (@FearTheWalk_FR) June 4, 2015
Nick- Madison's son, Alicia's brother
"Nick... is pretty much a parent's worst nightmare. He has flunked out of college, had a lot of trouble, got mixed up in some bad elements, and is definitely the problem child. And it's exacerbated for him to be next to this perfect sister who seemingly doesn't have anything going on in her life that is negative. But that's not really the case, that's just his perception. So you have these two siblings that are very much at odds with each other. They love each other because they are brother and sister, but to a certain extent it's almost like they are each other's worst enemies because one is screwing things up while she's trying to achieve things and get on to the college, and the other one is seeing her as this reminder of everything that he can't be. So it's an interesting dynamic."