Adam Nimoy, the son of the late Leonard Nimoy, started a Kickstarter fundraiser for his new documentary "For The Love Of Spock."
Adam started the documentary with his dad before he died, knowing that 2016 is the 50th anniversary of "Star Trek." In order for him to finish the project he needs to buy licensed photos and videos, and cover other costs quickly so the film can be produced in time.
So far, Adam has raised more than $112,000 of his $600,000 goal.
The film is being produced by 455 Films (a choice made by Leonard himself) with producers David Zappone, Kevin Layne and Joseph Kornbrodt. It will be narrated by Zachary Quinto, who played Spock.
Watch a preview for the documentary created by Adam here:
Have you heard that Adam Nimoy, son of @TheRealNimoy has launched a kickstarter to do a doc about his dad?
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) June 3, 2015