
Selena Gomez Slams Rehab Rumors, Frustrated With 'Lies'

Selena Gomez has become extremely frustrated with all the rumors and lies going around about her entering rehab.

A Life & Style Cover showed a photo of Gomez Thusday with the headline "Rehab Bombshells," stating that she had relapsed, The Hollywood Gossip reported.

Following the release of the issue, Gomez's reps exclusively told Gossip Cop that the report was not true.

Gomez then decided to speak out herself on her Instagram.

The 22-year-old singer posted a beautiful, calm and artsy photo of some flowers and her hand holding a cut out that reads "I want to claim my own name."

"Sometimes I get frustrated when I hear lies about who I am," the caption read. "The Internet is meant to keep you 'updated' but it just takes old news and freezes it like it's now. You have watched me in pain and I've owned up to it through my music and actions. I grew up with you. I am beyond excited to show you the next chapter, the TRUTH. I've been keeping so many secrets...I'm reborn in every moment so who knows what I'll become..As long as I'm happy with me. #strongisbeautiful #healthyperspectiveonthemfools."

The "old news" she's referring to is about the time she spent in a facility early in 2014 for some emotional issues.

The cover also shows a photo of Kylie Jenner, claiming she's headed to rehab as well, but Jenner has not commented on the rumors yet.

Selena Gomez, Rehab, Rumors, Kylie Jenner, Instagram
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