
Pope Francis Urges Bosnians To Work Towards Peace And Reconciliation

Pope Francis made a one-day visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo Saturday in order to spread the message of peace and reconciliation among the people in the war-torn country.

The pope's one-day visit consisted of a meeting at the palace with the Bosnia-Herzegovina presidency and an open-field stadium mass, which was attended by thousands of joyous devotees who came to see the pontiff.

Francis spoke of the suffering and devastation that war has brought to the country of Bosnia, which has been inflicted with numerous conflicts between differing religions and status through the years, during his homily.

He then encouraged the Bosnian people to work towards achieving peace and reconciliation, despite the efforts of people to do otherwise, according to CNN.

"Today, dear brothers and sisters, the cry of God's people goes up once again from this city, the cry of all men and women of good will: war never again!" the pope declared.

"War means children, women and the elderly in refugee camps; it means forced displacement, destroyed houses, streets and factories. Above all countless shattered lives. You know this well having experienced it here," he added, a clear reference to the '95 Bosnian conflict that left 2 million people displaced and 100,000 people dead, according to the BBC.

Pope Francis, Pontiff, Catholic church, Bosnia
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