420 Kidney Stones Removed From Chinese Patient, Doctors Blame Tofu-Rich Diet

Doctors in China successfully removed 420 kidney stones from a patient's left kidney on Friday.

The patient, Hi Dong, 55, recently underwent more than two hours of surgery at the Dongyang's People Hospital to extract the stones, reported the Daily Star.

Doctors have blamed Dong's tofu-rich diet and habit of not drinking enough water for his condition, according to the Qianjiang Evening News. Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a popular local food item. It has a high concentration of calcium sulphate.

"Soy products, especially gypsum tofu, are very high in calcium, the excess of which cannot be excreted from body without a sufficient intake of water," said Dr. Wei Yubin Zhou Changchun, director of urology at the People Hospital China's eastern province of Zhejiang.

Dong went to the hospital last month complaining of intolerable abdominal pain. A CT scan for revealed his kidney was filled with 420 densely packed stones, according to People's Daily.

Doctors who conducted operation said that they were shocked by the quantity of kidney stones, according to the Daily Mail.

"I have never seen so many stones before. The operation took less than two hours of which 45 minutes was used to remove the stones," Wei Yubin said.

"At the end of the operation I realized my arms and legs were numb. The plate used to collect the stones had at least 420 of them of varying sizes and coloured green and yellow. These didn't include the tiny rice-sized stones that were taken out using specialist suction equipment and these numbered over 100," he said, according to People's Daily.

Dong's incredible 420 kidney stones removal operation fell far short of Guinness World Records.

"The most kidney stones removed from a patient is 172,155, which were removed from Dhanraj Wadile by Dr. Ashish Rawandale (India) at the Institute of Urology, Dhule, Maharastra, India on 8 December 2009. The stones were removed from Dhanraj Wadile's left pelvic kidney using endoscopy in a three-hour-long operation," according to the Guinness World Records website.

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