Dutch Company Harvests Electricity From Living Plants to Power Streetlights, Wi-Fi And Cellphones

A company based out of the Netherlands has introduced a new project in which it can use plants to power Wi-Fi connections, charge cellular phones and even turn on streetlights.

Plant-E introduced its project called "Starry Sky" in November of last year in Amsterdam, and turned on more than 300 LED streetlights at two various sites. The project also powered the company's headquarters in Wageningen, according to Collective Evolution.

Plant-E has made a living by developing products that use electricity generated by living plants, based on a technology that was created at Wageningen University back in 2007.

This technology allows the production of energy through living plants at any site where plants can grow, and it ensures the safety for all - for the plants and for the environment as a whole, according to Plant-E's official website.

The founders of the company hope to take their project to poorer sectors in the world where electricity is sorely needed, according to Inhabitat.

News, Tech, Science, Electricity, Environment, Plants, Dutch, Amsterdam