Water Bottle Glows to Remind You to Take a Drink

A high-tech water bottle has been created to make sure you are as hydrated as you need to be in the summer time or when you go on that vacation to Arizona.

The smart bottle, called HidrateMe, reminds you to take a sip of water by glowing whenever you need to drink up, according to CNET. Hidrate Inc., the company behind the bottle, made the product from BPA-free Tritan plastic and designed it to hold 24 ounces of water.

Former data analyst Nadya Nguyen first came up with the idea for HidrateMe in July 2014 on a bus ride after volunteering for 10 hours. She didn't take a sip of water throughout the day, Mashable reported.

"I thought I was pretty conscious about hydration, and it just reminded me how easy it is to forget when life gets busy," Nguyen said.

The bottle comes with a sensor that collects information about your height and weight, activity levels and how much you drink and sends it to an app on your smartphone. The app then uses this data to calculate how much you need to drink each day.

Nguyen said HidrateMe also has a "really personal" feature that lets users set intervals for when to take a swig, adding that the bottle will light up if it notices you haven't drank.

The Bluetooth-syncing app will also show a graphic of a drop that fills up the more you drink until you fulfill your requirement for the day, as well as figure out where you are so it can recommend water intake based on your location, CNET reported. Hidrate said you will also be able to use the bottle with different fitness trackers.

HidrateMe has so far raised over $240,000 on its Kickstarter Campaign, having surpassed its initial goal of $35,000. The new water bottle will be available to those who pledge $45 by December of this year.

Activity, Kickstarter