The mother of an 11-year-old pregnant girl in Paraguay, who is currently seven months pregnant after being sexually harassed by her stepfather, has finally spoken publicly about the situation, saying that her daughter tried to get help.

The mom, who remains unidentified as per Paraguayan law, was sent to jail with charges of failing in her parental duties and allegedly conniving with the sexual abuse that happened, CNN reported.

After being released from prison, the mother is speaking up about the controversial case.

"I was the one who reported all of this, asking for justice to be done and hoping that something would be done, but prosecutors dismissed the case," she said.

She also said that if not for her efforts, "this would have never gotten to this point."

The girl wasn't allowed to terminate the pregnancy because the Peruvian law says the procedure is only legal when the mother's life is in immediate risk.

Mirta Moragas Mereles, who advocates for the now 11-year-old girl, said that they will induce labor when the girl's pregnancy turns seven months because of some health risk if the pregnancy is brought to full term, The Telegraph reported.

The mother also revealed that she was abused and was threatened by her husband, who is now in jail. She also said that she would like to take care of her coming grandchild.

"We are going to wait for the baby to be born," she said. "And between my whole family, we are going to take care of her baby, so she can keep studying. ... Because nothing that happened to her was her fault."

The girl's pregnancy was discovered on April 21, when the mother brought her daughter to the hospital, who was already 21 weeks pregnant that time.